Nerd Alert! Best Doctor Who References on Television!

My favorite television show is Doctor Who. It’s been my favorite since the 80’s when my dad and I would watch it together on PBS. Sadly, no one else in my social or family circles shared our love for the show (or had even heard of it for that matter), so my passion sat patiently in a soft, comfortable corner of my heart.

Then, I was elated when the show got a reboot and started airing again in 2005. Everyone I knew heard of the show this time – I saw to it personally. The only thing that came close to being as exciting as watching Doctor Who, and talking about Doctor Who, and buying Doctor Who merchandise, and writing Doctor Who fan fiction was seeing Doctor Who references on television shows.

(Thanks to the success of Comic Con and The Big Bang Theory, geeks, nerds, and dorks are now mainstream . . . I was so ahead of my time! *wink*)

Check out this great video I found, which charts the top ten Doctor Who references in television and video games.

**spoiler alert** They left out my favorite Doctor Who reference: Castle, Season 6, Episode 5, entitled, “Time Will Tell”, original air date October 21, 2013. If you haven’t seen it, I’ll be talking about this spectacular show in a future post.

Stay tuned!

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