Vegans, Trust Me, You WANT To See What’s In This Amazingly Juicy Burger!

There are many reasons why people choose to eat a vegan diet. Some are concerned about the food industry’s impact on our environment. Others are concerned about the living conditions at treatment of the animals we consume. Others just think meat is gross.

And then there are many reasons why people choose not to eat a vegan diet. Some believe that the best way to have a nutritious, balanced diet is to consume meat and other animal products. Some feel that eating meat is a human being’s right as the top of the food chain. Others just think meat is delicious!

Others, like me, tend to dabble. They love meals made with meat, but they love vegan options as well. Unless you make your foods fresh, a lot of the vegan substitutions can be a little lackluster to an omnivore. Veggie patties can be a little dry, non-dairy cheeses don’t always melt, and some products just taste funny.

That’s why I was so excited when I saw this video about the juicy vegan hamburger patty that “bleeds” like real meat patties. And, the texture and flavor seem similar to regular burgers that so many people already love. Now, this might not appeal to current vegans. In fact, I know some vegans who get sick when they eat meat alternatives that are too similar an flavor and texture to “the real thing”. But, it could be a great meal for people who want to try something different without giving up the comfort of old familiar favorites.

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