I Bet This Zebra Never Realized His Own Talent!

I love safari parks! It’s fun to get up close with live animals, instead of having to stare at them through bars and thick glass.

I’ll never forget the time my parents took my brother and me to a safari park, and a rhino thought our large, slightly-faded silver Buick was one of his own kind. I’m not sure if he was trying to tip our car over or mate with it, but it was certainly memorable either way – especially the way my brother (who now deludes himself in to thinking he is the perfect specimen of masculinity) cried and almost wet his pants.

After we escaped, without even a scratch on the car, we proceeded to some hooved animals. My poor brother was still shaken and made Mom roll his window up, but I eagerly let a zebra eat right out of my hand. If I would had been a little older and wiser, I probably would have done what this clever guy does when a zebra came looking for food in his car.

Bon appetite!

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