Cat We All Just Get Along?

I am an animal person. I love everything from dogs to bats, goldfish to sharks, and even bugs and reptiles! I have loved animals for so long that my family calls me “Ellie Mae” from time to time.

I especially love cats. I know they have a bad reputation for being aloof (and according to my sister, evil), and I won’t spend this post trying to convince you otherwise, but just know that I think they are amazing!

And there must be something to that because the internet is chock full of cat videos, photos, and memes, each with millions of views. That means that even some self-proclaimed “non cat people” can enjoy looking at cats.

So, here for your viewing pleasure, is what happens when you put together a cat and a raccoon. Everyone together, now . . . “Awwwwwwwwwwww!”

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